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The Art of Focusing Your Fucks 
It’s easy to feel like you’re wandering when your fucks to give lack a clear focus. Here’s how I’m honing in mine. 


November 1st, 2023


I’ve always dubbed myself as “the giver of no fucks” which may or may not be to my detriment. But context is key here. Everyone older than me has advocated for this attitude because at the end of the day—the only opinion that matters is your own. The standard you hold yourself to is a direct reflection of how others will treat you. But I’m finally realizing that giving a fuck shouldn’t be something to stray away fact it’s what will get you closer to exactly where you want to be. 


Where your mind goes, energy flows. Which is really just a hippie way of saying that your thoughts are what shape your reality. If you’re busy obsessing over what you could’ve done better in that meeting, whether or not to respond to that text, or which step is the better one forward, you’ll get nowhere. I say this because energy is the catalyst for action. It’s easy to feel debilitated by the daunting options in front of you but instead of feeding into the anxiety, it’s time to unpack it. 


As human beings, what moves us to take action comes down to inspiration. How much does the possibility of making that change really inspire you? If you can visualize it, you can achieve it. It’s really that simple. Our minds wouldn’t even be able to fathom it if it wasn’t already a very likely possibility. And what I’ve come to realize is that as much as words are powerful, deliberate action always triumphs them. I’m no longer satisfied by saying I’m going to do it—I need to be about it. Be about that action. (Thank you Beyoncé #iykyk) And to do that, you need to give yourself the chance to sort out what it really is that you want to accomplish. 


Which leads me to my bigger point: fulfillment. To me, fulfillment means achieving something I’ve always desired or dreamt of while also accepting that the satisfaction I get from doing that isn’t what I’m really chasing. It’s more important for me to dive into unlocking a deeper level of who I am and what I’m capable of. A checklist will never be enough to sustain me but it will launch me towards my highest timeline. No matter how small or grand the task is. Every step forward is a step in the right direction.


By taking inspired action you will inevitably land at the footsteps of your purpose. For me that means fearlessly being exactly who I am, prioritizing the activities and people that best serve me, and confidently knowing that the reward is in the journey. Because when it comes down to it, giving a fuck is the greatest gift I can give myself. 

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